57th War Memorial Service by SCCCI
The 57th War Memorial Service was held at the Civilian War Memorial on 15th February 2024. Organised by the Singapore Chinese Chamber of Commerce and Industry (SCCCI), the event is held annually to commemorate the sacrifice of civilians during the Japanese occupation of Singapore.
The event saw a memorial service that brought together families of the victims, members of the SCCCI, representatives from the military, leaders of the different religious groups of Singapore as well as students from various schools paying tribute to the victims of war.
The four pillars of the Civilian War Memorial symbolises the shared suffering of the main ethnic groups and the perished. The service served a timely reminder to our CCKsians that our peace cannot be taken for granted and every one of us can and must play a part towards Total Defence.

CCKsians posing for a photo before the commencement of the War Memorial service.

Minister Chan interacting with CCKSians to find out the type of simulated disruptions faced by the school.

Selfie with Minister Chan! Thank you!

CCKsians and teacher, taking a photo with the Civilian War Memorial, also fondly referred to as ‘The Chopsticks’.

Eager students listening to the origins and significance of the Civilian War Memorial presented by the docents.