Student Code of Conduct
School Rules
The school believes that a positive school tone is critical to student learning and character development. CCKSians must learn the rationale for and the importance of school rules in creating a positive and conducive learning environment for all. School rules state the school’s expectations of student behaviour, which forms the basis of character development.
Attendance and Punctuality
CCKSians attend school every school day.
If CCKSians are absent with a valid reason, they will present to their Form Teacher a medical certificate or a parent’s letter (for a non-medical reason) on the following school day. Failing which, the student would be deemed to be “Absent without Valid Reason”. This would also apply to school activities conducted outside of normal curriculum time. A maximum of 3 parents’ letters are allowed per student, per term.
CCKSians arrive punctually for the flag-raising ceremony at the beginning of each school day, for their lessons and all school events. If they are late, they will apologise for their tardiness to the Teacher-in-charge and explain their reason.
CCKSians do not leave the class, school or school events without seeking permission from the Teacher-in-charge. If they feel unwell during the school day and seek to leave the school early, they report to the General Office and the Office staff will contact their parents to take them home. If they wish to leave the school during school hours for a valid reason, they must first obtain permission from a HOD, Vice-Principal or the Principal. An Early Departure Form needs to be completed and submitted to the General Office.
General Appearance
(a) Attire
Students are to wear the prescribed school uniform and modifications to the uniform are not allowed (e.g. tapering of pants). The school uniform is to be worn smartly. The skort must touch the middle of the knee cap. The prescribed school uniform is to be worn by all students when attending school or any school function, or when representing the school.
Students must wear school attire (e.g. full school uniform or half uniform i.e. PE T-shirt with pants or shorts for boys/PE T-shirt with skorts for girls or approved CCA attire) when they come back to school for any activities on Saturdays and during school holidays.
Should students need to wear either a jacket, cardigan, or pullover, it must be either, dark blue, black, white, or gray. There should not be any large logos of brands, advertisements, or designs on them.
Students are only allowed to wear a jacket, cardigan, or pullover in airconditioned venues. A medical certificate must be produced if the student requests permission to wear it at non-air-conditioned venues.
Students must wear plain white socks with white coloured shoes.
Wearing sandals or flip-flops is permissible only when accompanied by medical reasons. In such cases, students must produce a medical certificate or parent’s letter which must be submitted to the form teacher
(b) Personal Grooming
All students must be neat in appearance.
Keep fingernails short and clean. No varnish is allowed.
The following are NOT ALLOWED for all students:
Wearing tattoos (including henna art) on any part of the body.
Wearing coloured/fanciful contact lenses or outlandish/tinted spectacles.
Wearing all forms of jewellery and accessories, e.g. caps, piercings (e.g. nose and tongue), necklaces, bracelets and rings.
(i) Boys
Hair must be short; back with a slope. No mullets are allowed.
Hair must not cover the ear and the fringes are not to touch the eyebrows.
Hair must not be tinted or dyed.
No punky (e.g. undercut), spiky and permed hairstyles are allowed.
Ear accessories are not allowed.
Facial hair is not allowed. Boys are expected to always keep a clean- shaven look.
Hair must not be tinted or dyed.
Hair that is longer than the upper end of the collar must be tied up neatly.
Fringes are not to touch the eyebrows.
Wear only black or dark blue ribbons/hair band/hair clips.
No punky or permed hairstyle is allowed. No hair extension is allowed.
A pair of small (maximum diameter: 0.5 cm) and plain studs without any gemstones can be worn in the earlobe. They should be in black, blue, gold or silver colour.
A pair of ear sticks (only transparent ones) can be worn in the ear lobe.
No wearing of cosmetics (e.g. coloured lip balms, foundation etc)
No fake extensions of eyelashes are allowed.
(c) PE & CCA Attire
All students must wear the school PE attire during PE lessons.
After the PE lesson, students are to change into their school uniform and only do so during recess and lunch.
After recess and lunch, all students must be in their half uniform. However, for students who have their PE lesson after lunch, they are not required to change into their grey bottoms.
Academic Studies
CCKSians must have a keen learning attitude.
CCKSians must bring the required books and materials to lessons. They are prepared for their lessons.
CCKSians participate actively and listen attentively during lessons. They take ownership of their learning and seek clarification on content that they do not understand.
CCKSians take pride in their academic work. They put in their best effort in their assignments and hand them in on time.
General Behaviour in School
CCKSians show due respect to the symbols of our nation: Our President, State Flag, National Anthem and The Pledge. CCKSians who are Singapore citizens must sing the National Anthem and recite the Pledge with the right fist placed over the heart. Non-Singaporeans will stand at attention during the ceremony.
We believe that our CCKSians aspire to be always on their best behaviour, both in and outside of school.
CCKSians greet the teaching, non-teaching staff and visitors in the school.
CCKSians speak quietly and politely to staff and peers. They are neither rowdy nor rude, whether in class, in school or on school outings.
CCKSians must move in a brisk, quiet and orderly manner and be led by the Class Chairperson or Subject Representative when moving around the school during school hours.
CCKSians only leave their class during or between lessons with the permission of their Subject Teacher.
Students must not remain in class during recess and lunch break.
Behaviour in Canteen
CCKSians practise consideration for others in the canteen. They queue up for food and drinks and consume all food and beverages only in the canteen. They clean the table they have used and return utensils to the receptacles provided.
Care for the Environment
CCKSians keep their environment neat and clean, whether the venue is their classroom, special rooms, computer labs, CCA rooms or other parts of the school compound. They do not litter. They ensure lights, fans and air-conditioners are switched off if they are the last to leave the room.
Security and Safety
CCKSians take care of their own belongings and watch out for the belongings of others. They do not bring excessive cash or expensive items to school. They are honest and return items they have found to the General Office.
CCKSians do not loiter in the neighbourhood or at public places by themselves or with others, before or after school. They are mindful of the need to spend their time after school wisely and productively.
CCKSians obey all pedestrian crossing rules as they care for their own safety and the safety of other road users.
CCKSians adhere to safe practices for all school activities. They observe safety precautions in the Science Laboratories, Technical Workshops, Computer Laboratories, Kitchens, Gymnasium and Special Rooms.
Possession of any Weapon or Weapon-Like Item
All students are not allowed to have in their possession any weapon. They are also not allowed to bring any weapon-like item which is used or intended to be used to cause harm to others.
Use of Mobile Phones
Students learn well when there is order, discipline and minimal distraction. It is important that all CCKSians learn to be responsible and discerning users of technology. We would strongly advise parents, if they wish their children to bring a mobile phone to school, to only purchase for your child a simple mobile phone for communication purposes. This is to minimise distraction and replacement costs in the case of loss or damage. In addition to the CCE and Cyberwellness curriculum, our school has in place the following rules and policies to ensure the responsible use of mobile devices in school.
a. Mobile phones can only be used after the end of curriculum hours in the phone zone areas.
b. Students found using their mobile phone without permission will be asked to submit their mobile phone to the General Office. It will be returned on the same day by the General Office staff after 4.30pm. For repeated offences, mobile phones will be handed over to a member of the Student Management Team. Form Teachers will communicate and work with parents if the student’s mobile phone has been confiscated.
Should parents need to contact their child, or in the case of an emergency, they may call the General Office. For non-emergency cases, they should SMS their child and leave a message for him/her to call as soon as he/she reads the message after school dismissal.
Serious Offences –
The school classifies the following as Serious Offences:
a. Possession of a weapon or weapon-like item
b.Truancy/skipping classes
c. Cheating in tests/examinations
d. Open Defiance/Rudeness to teachers
e. Fighting
f. Theft
g. Extortion/Bullying
h. Gambling
i. Vandalism
j. Possession of viewing of pornographic materials
k. Smoking in different forms and possession of tobacco products and paraphernalia such as cigarettes, lighters, e-cigarettes and shisha
l. Substance abuse such as consuming band drugs and glue-sniffing
m. Behaving as a public nuisance
n. Modification of school uniform
o. Failure of Singapore citizens to sing the National Anthem and recite the Pledge
p. Repeated/Accumulated Minor Offences
For the above-mentioned serious offences, parental involvement will be required for the resolution and closure of the case. Consequences that can be enforced by the school include: Detention class, public apology, caning (for boys), corrective work order (CWO), suspension (from class or school) and expulsion.
It is important that all CCKSians learn to be responsible and discerning users of technology. We expect CCKSians to abide by the rules set by the school to manage the use of such devices.
a. Mobile phones/electronic devices can only be used before morning assembly and after-school hours.
b. All earpieces are to be kept before students enter the school.
c. Mobile phones/electronic devices can only be used at these designated areas:
The canteen
d. Mobile phones/electronic devices are to be TURNED OFF (not on silent mode) during curriculum time/all afternoon lessons/enrichment/remedials and CCA meetings/training. Mobile phones/electronic devices will be kept in the school lockers during curriculum hours and during all the activities stated above.
e. Personal Learning Devices (PLDs) may be used during curriculum time only on the instructions of your teachers. It is to be kept in your bags during lessons or lockers during CCA.
f. For privacy protection and other reasons, students are not allowed to make photographic or video recordings of any person(s) in school without their expressed permission.
Consequences for repeated non-adherence include meeting with parents, Reflection Time, suspension from school and other measures dependent on the severity of the incident to ensure adherence to the rules.
Allocation Studentsareassignedlockersfor safestorageofcomputerdevices and mobile phones. |
Care and Maintenance of Student Lockers |
*The school reserves the right to access any lockers if the lockers have been compromised or misused.